Setting DIP switch 12 ON reduces the input buffer by 21 KB.
When using Windows, set DIP switches 10, 11 and 12 OFF to maximize the size
of your input buffer (62 KB).
§ If the printer does not seem to be switching between BJ-10 and Epson LQ mode, disable this
function and set DIP switch 11 to match your application's printer driver.
§ If you are using a printer switching device, you must allow at least ten seconds for the printer
to recognize an emulation change. If your printer switching device switched data in less than
ten seconds, automatic emulation switching will not function properly.
Epson LQ Mode
When the printer is in Epson LQ mode (DIP switch 11 is ON), you can set the
DIP switches to control the following functions:
DIP switch Function OFF ON
1 Horizontal print
Letter size or envelope A4 size
2 Text scale mode Disabled Enabled
3 Page length 11 inches Enabled
4 Character Set Italics 12 inches
5, 6, 7 International
character set
See following descriptions
8, 9, 10 Typeface See following descriptions
11 Printer control
BJ-10 mode Epson LQ
12 Automatic
switching mode
Disabled Enabled
DIP switch 1
Use this switch to change the horizontal print position according to the size of
your paper. If you are using letter-size paper or envelopes, set this switch OFF;
the left margin will be 0.25 inch (6.4 mm). If you are using A4-size paper or DL-
size envelopes, set this switch ON; the left margin will be 0.13 inch (3.4 mm).
DIP switch 2DIP switch 2
If you are using a software application that assumes 66 lines will fit on each page,
set this switch to ON. The printer will reduce the line spacing by a factor of 14/15,
which is from 62 lines per page to 66 lines per page if line spacing is set ot 6 lines
per inch (lpi).
DIP switch 3DIP switch 3
If you are using letter-size paper, set this switch OFF; this sets the page length to
11 inches. If you are using A4-size paper, set this switch ON; this sets the page
length to 12 inches.
In Epson LQ mode, you use this DIP switch with one-half reduction mode only.
DIP switch 4DIP switch 4
When this switch is OFF, the printer uses the Epson Italics character set, which
includes italic characters. When this switch is ON, the printer uses the Epson