Chapter 4 Using the Desktop Manager 4-3
Using the
Desktop Manager
To open the MultiPASS Desktop Manager:
1. On the Windows desktop, click Start, and then point to Programs.
2. On the Programs menu, point to Canon MultiPASS L60. Then click
MultiPASS Desktop Manager 2.61.
To close the Desktop Manager:
On the File menu, click Exit.
When you exit the Desktop Manager, you close only the Desktop
Manager window. Any documents you have set up to PC fax or print
remain active. The Status Monitor, which tracks the progress of your
active jobs, also remains open and active.
Features of the Desktop Manager Window
This section provides an overview of the basics of the MultiPASS Desktop
Manager screen. Detailed instructions for using the various commands
and components of the screen are provided in later sections of this
Menu Bar
Work Area
Status Bar