
5-4 PC Faxing Chapter 5
For a one-time recipient, enter the appropriate name and fax
number information in the Last Name, First Name, Company,
Prefix, and Fax boxes.
For an entry listed in your address book, click the entry in the
Address Book list box. Then click Add.
4. Optionally, define any of the other send fax options.
•To attach a cover page to your fax, click one by name from the
Coversheet drop-down list box. If you do not want a fax cover
page, click None.
•To add the name and phone number of the sender to the cover
page, enter the name and phone number in the From and Phone
•To add comments or notes for the fax on the cover page, enter the
text in the Memo box.
•To have the fax deleted after you send it, click Delete After
•To send the fax with any annotations that were added to the
document using the MultiPASS Desktop Manager Document
Viewer, click Include Annotation.
•To add a reference comment for the fax log, enter the text in the
Log Note box.
5. When you have finished your entries for the fax, process the fax.
•To process the fax for immediate sending, click Send Now.
•To schedule the fax for a later time that you specify, click Send
•To hold the fax indefinitely, preserving your fax options until
later, click Hold.