8-20 Troubleshooting Chapter 8
Problem Cause Solution
Fonts do not print as Bitmapped fonts designed Make sure you installed an
smoothly rounded for dot matrix printers do outline font manager, such
characters not print smoothly rounded as Adobe
Type Manager or
characters when used with that you are choosing a
high resolution printers like TrueType
the MultiPASS.
Certain MS fonts, such as Choose another font.
MS Serif, will print jagged.
Blurred or smudged ink
The print medium you are
Try a different paper type;
using may not be supported
however, use only print media
by the MultiPASS. specified in Appendix A,
Specifications (see page A-1).
You may be printing on Paper has a right side for
the wrong side of the sheet. printing. If the print quality is
not as clear as you would like,
try turning the paper over and
printing on the other side.
Color Printing and Copying Problems
Problem Cause Solution
Printer prints only in The MultiPASS printer driver Make sure the MultiPASS is
black (you are printing may not be selected. the default printer in your
from an application that application.
supports color printing
but your output is
The printer driver may not be Check that you selected Full
black ink only)
selecting color. Color in the Color dialog
(accessed by clicking the Color
button in the Print dialog).
The color BJ cartridge may Print the Nozzle Check pattern
not be installed or may not to make sure the BC-21e Color
be working properly. BJ Cartridge is installed and
firing correctly.
If a BJ tank is empty, replace it.
The print head unit may Clean the print head (see
need cleaning. page 7-8).
MPC-635—USERS MANUAL/V000/06-99