G-8 Glossary
Software you can use to scan individual documents or groups of
Sender ID
Information printed at the top of a fax (also called TTI or Transmit
Terminal ID). This data appears only if the sending fax has been
programmed with the information.
Sending transmission is also defined as TX or transmit. A fax document
that has been scanned by a fax machine and sent over telephone lines, in
the form of electrical pulses, to another fax machine is a sending
Sending speed
The rate at which faxes are transmitted through the phone line. See also
bps (bits per seconds).
Software you can use so that you can continue to use your computer
while you print. For more information, see Chapter 2, Printing with the
MultiPASS C635.
The mode in which the MultiPASS is on and ready to use. All operations
start from Standby mode when the LCD displays the date and Receive
Tone/pulse setting
The ability to set the MultiPASS to match the telephone dialing system
your telephone line uses: touch-tone or rotary pulse.
Transaction number
A unique number assigned to each fax document sent (TX NO.) or
received (RX NO.) by the MultiPASS and used to identify that particular
fax document.
See Sending.
TrueType font
A scalable font technology. It offers you the same font images both on
computer displays and printer outputs.
MPC-635—USERS MANUAL/V000/06-99