Chapter 8 Troubleshooting 8-29
General Problems
Problem Cause Solution
The MultiPASS has The power cord may not be Make sure the power cord is
no power securely plugged into the unit. plugged securely into the unit
and into a wall outlet.
If the power cord is connected
to a power strip, make sure the
strip is connected to an outlet
and turned on.
The power cord may not be Check the power cord by
supplying power. substituting another, or by
using a voltmeter to test it for
The MultiPASS will not The MultiPASS may have a Replace the empty BJ tank
print reports BC-21e Color BJ Cartridge (see page 7-16).
installed, and its black BJ
tank may be empty.
A cartridge other than the Install the BC-21e Color or
BC-21e Color or BC-20 Black BC-20 Black BJ Cartridge.
BJ Cartridge may be installed.
Nothing appears in the The MultiPASS may not be Check the plug and be sure it is
LCD display receiving power. firmly plugged into the power
connector and the wall outlet.
If the display remains blank,
unplug the MultiPASS, wait five
seconds, then plug it in again.
MPC-635—USERS MANUAL/V000/06-99