
Glossary G-5
Manual feed
A method of feeding paper into the printer one sheet at a time.
Manual receiving
A method of receiving faxes in which you answer all incoming calls
using a telephone.
Manual redialing
When you use regular dialing, you can redial a number “manually”
simply by pressing REDIAL on the operator panel. The last number
called is the number redialed.
Memory broadcast
Allows you to send a scanned fax to as many as 57 locations at once,
using a combination of one-touch speed dialing, coded speed dialing,
and regular dialing.
A device that converts (Modulates) digital data for transmission over
telephone lines. At the receiving end, this device converts the modulated
data (DEModulates) to digital format that the computer understands.
MultiPASS Fax Setup Utility
Canon’s exclusive software package that allows you to use the MultiPASS
to send and receive faxes.
A term applied to a variety of problems that impair the operation of
telephone lines used for faxing.
Noise level
See dB(A).
Numeric buttons
The round numbered buttons on the operation panel marked the same
as a standard telephone keypad. Press them to perform manual dialing,
to enter numbers and letters when you register numbers and names, and
to enter coded speed dialing codes with two or more digits.
One-touch speed dialing keypad
The round buttons numbered 1 to 6 on the operator panel, each of
which may be registered as a fax or telephone number. Once a number is
registered, you press one button to dial the entire number.
MPC-635USERS MANUAL/V000/06-99