About Video Window states
Video Windows can be displayed in the Viewing
Area according to their conditions:
Live - when viewing live video from a
Camera Server.
Pre-recorded - when viewing recorded
video from a Storage Server.
Video Window States
Video Window Properties include:
Title bar - indicates name of camera, live or recorded viewing.
Video display - displays live or recorded information.
Pre-recorded video indicator - displays a time/date stamp in the title bar for
recorded footage.
Event indicator - displays a colored bar across the top of the Video Window.
Pan, tilt and zoom controls - when the Video Window is double-clicked or the Video
Window menu item, Get camera control is selected, controls appear to enable pan,
tilt and zoom.
Live Events Log
When configured, it displays when
you launch the Viewer.
Double-click an event to view it in
the corresponding Video Window.
Click to view recorded footage in
the corresponding Video Window.
The full camera name/event may not display if you reduce the size
of the window.