Configure Motion and Sensor Settings
Step 5: Set frame rate and pre and post event recording duration
In the Record Video At field:
Max. Frame Rate - select a maximum
frame rate for recorded video from the
drop-down menu. Choose from 0.1
frames per second to 30 frames per
second (5 is the default). Alternatively,
select the current rate and overwrite with
a custom rate.
Record for before event - enter a number of seconds for the amount of recording time
before the event occurs (up to a maximum of 30 seconds).
Record for after event - enter a number of seconds for the amount of recording time
after the event has transpired (up to a maximum of 999 seconds).
When settings have been modified, click OK to keep new settings or Cancel to delete
modifications. When either button is selected, the dialog will close.
If the before event and after event fields are set to 0
seconds, video will still be recorded while motion is detected.
Shorter pre event recording will reduce memory usage. Longer
pre-event recording with insufficient memory may lead to the
use of disk-based virtual memory which will greatly reduce
The full requested duration of post event recording may not be
available. Frame rate, frame size and network delays may have
an effect on when the last frame is recorded and thus affect the
actual duration of the recording.
Configuring Recording Schedules
About motion detection on different camera servers
When using motion detection on the camera server, the situation differs depending on the
type of camera server. For a VB150 (in single mode), motion detection settings are
configured using the normal VK-64 ‘Motion Detection Settings’ dialog. Here, changes to the
settings on the camera server are made at the time of the schedule item. These changes
continue to take effect after the schedule item is completed.
For a VB-C50i, VB-C50iR, VB-C50FSi and VB-C50Fi, the motion detection
settings are configured by pressing the Settings button. This launches the
camera server’s ‘Motion Detection Settings Tool’. This changes the current settings on the
camera server and does not associate these settings with the schedule item. For a
VB-C50i, VB-C50iR, VB-C50FSi and VB-C50Fi, it is possible to schedule different motion
detection settings at different times using the ‘Schedule Setting Tool’. It is also possible to
set up to four motion detection areas using the ‘Motion Detection Settings Tool’.