Configure Special Day Recording
Delete a Schedule Type
To delete a schedule type:
Select a Schedule Type and click the Delete button
ln the Special Day Schedule window, click a
schedule type in the Schedule Type list to
highlight it.
Click the Delete button below the list to
remove the schedule type.
To edit a schedule type, click the Edit button
ln the Special Day Schedule window, click a
schedule type in the Schedule Type list to
select it.
Click the Edit button. This will bring up the
Edit Schedule Type dialog.
Overwrite the existing name. For example,
you may wish to change the name ‘Company
Holidays’ to ‘Company Special Days’.
Click the OK button to save your changes.
The dialog will close.
If you delete a schedule type where there are dates associated with
that schedule, a warning will appear. You will be asked to first
delete those dates before deleting the schedule type.
Configuring Recording Schedules