If you need to use a proxy server, set it in the Internet
Properties, LAN Settings dialog. To open, select Start > Settings
> Control Panel > Internet Options. When the Internet Options
dialog opens, select the Connections tab. From here, click the
LAN Settings... button to open the LAN Settings dialog. You can
adjust your proxy settings from here.
If using a proxy server between a Viewer and a Storage Server,
it should be one which does not perform response buffering.
Proxies which are configured to perform response buffering
may lead to delays in sending small amounts of data (such as
events) from the Storage Server to the Viewer. Squid is an
example of a proxy which does not perform response buffering,
so it is recommended for use between the Viewer and
Storage Server. The Apache proxy server does perform
response buffering so is not recommended.
The dialog will also be shown when the Storage Server is
If you want to use the same machine the Viewer is running on
as the Master Storage Server, set the Host Name or IP to
‘localhost’ in this dialog.
Changing the Storage Server