
Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Administrator Guide (SIP)
Chapter 8 Profile and Web Page Parameters and Defaults
Parameter Details
The DialPlan field provides programmable strings of dial plan that allow you to
Special rule—Itimeout to control default interdigit timeout. Specifying this
rule also has the side effect of preventing nonmatching dial strings from being
sent out.
Optional send character to use. For example, the pound sign (#) or the asterisk
Number of digits before auto-send.
Send after timeout at any specified number of digits (timeout can be changed
as digits are entered).
The DialPlan field uses the following conventions:
Special characters translate as shown in Table 8-10.
Table 8-10 DialPlan Parameter Special Characters
Character Action
Period (.) Match any digit.
Comma (,) Play secondary dial tone as specified by DialTone2.
Hyphen (-) More digits can be entered. If this character is needed, it
must appear at the end of an individual rule. For example,
1408t5- is legal, but 1408t5-3... is illegal.
Pound sign (#) The terminating key to send is #, and termination can be
applied only after matching hits >#. So >* means that the
terminating character is the asterisk (*); that is, the
terminating key must follow the greater-than sign (>).
Characters “tn Set the timeout to n seconds. Note: n is 0–9 and a–z, which
ranges from 0 to 26.
Characters “rn Repeat the last pattern n times. Note: The characters “>#”
and “tn” are modifiers, not patterns. n is 0–9 and a–z, which
ranges from 0 to 26. Use the repeat modifier to specify
more rules in less space.
Modifier “S” Cause rule-matching to cease (that is, if a rule matches and
the modifier “S” is seen, all other rules after that matching
rule are not used for matching).