26 OL-22334-01
Switching Between Multiple Calls
You can switch between multiple calls on multiple lines.
Switching an In-Progress Call to Another Phone
You can switch in-progress calls between the desktop phone and your mobile phone or other remote
If you want to... Then...
Switch to a held call on
another line
Press (flashing) for the line that you are switching to.
Switch from a
connected call to
answer a ringing call
Press (flashing). Any active call is placed on hold and the selected call
is resumed.
If you want to... Then...
Switch an in-progress
call from a mobile
phone to a desk phone
sharing the same line
(Session Handoff)
While on your mobile phone, press the access code for the Session
Handoff feature (for example, *74). For a list of access codes, see
your system administrator.
2. Hang up the call on your mobile phone to disconnect the mobile
phone, but not the call.
3. Press the Answer softkey on your desk phone within 10 seconds and
start talking on the desk phone. The number of seconds to answer the
call on your desk phone is set by your system administrator.
The other Cisco Unified devices that share the same line display a Remote
in Use message. The number of seconds to resume the call depends on the
configuration set by the system administrator.
Switch an in-progress
call from a mobile
phone to your
desktop phone
1. Hang up the call on your mobile phone to disconnect the mobile
phone, but not the call.
2. Press Resume on your desk phone within 4 seconds and start talking
on the desk phone.
Switch an in-progress
call from a mobile
phone to Cisco Unified
devices that share the
same line (Session
1. Hang up the call on your mobile phone to disconnect the mobile
phone, but not the call.
2. Press Answer on one of your Cisco Unified devices within 10 seconds
and start talking on the phone.
The other Cisco Unified devices that share the same line display a Remote
in Use message. The number of seconds to resume the call depends on the
configuration set by the system administrator.