Step 5
Copy the web link from the prompt into a supported web browser and go to the Cisco UCS Manager GUI
launch page.
Step 6
On the Cisco UCS Manager GUI launch page, select Express Setup.
Step 7
On the Express Setup page, select Initial Setup and click Submit.
Step 8
In the Cluster and Fabric Setup Area, select the Standalone Mode option.
Step 9
In the System Setup Area, complete the following fields:
The name assigned to the Cisco UCS domain.
In a standalone configuration, the system adds "-A" to the
system name. In a cluster configuration, the system adds
"-A" to the fabric interconnect assigned to fabric A, and
"-B" to the fabric interconnect assigned to fabric B.
System Name field
The password used for the Admin account on the fabric
Choose a strong password that meets the guidelines for
Cisco UCS Manager passwords. This password cannot be
Admin Password field
The password used for the Admin account on the fabric
Confirm Admin Password field
The static IP address for the management port on the fabric
Mgmt IP Address field
The subnet mask for the management port on the fabric
Mgmt IP Netmask field
The IP address for the default gateway assigned to the
management port on the fabric interconnect.
Default Gateway field
The IP address for the DNS server assigned to the fabric
DNS Server IP field
The name of the domain in which the fabric interconnect
Domain Name field
Step 10
Click Submit.
A page displays the results of your setup operation.
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
68 OL-25712-04
Performing an Initial System Setup for a Standalone Configuration