
Default Role AssignmentDescriptionPrivilege
Server Profile AdministratorService profile server managementservice-profile-server
Server Profile AdministratorService profile consumerservice-profile-server-oper
Server Security AdministratorService profile pool policyservice-profile-server-policy
Storage AdministratorService profile storageservice-profile-storage
Storage AdministratorService profile storage policyservice-profile-storage-policy
User Locales
A user can be assigned one or more locales. Each locale defines one or more organizations (domains) the user
is allowed access, and access would be limited to the organizations specified in the locale. One exception to
this rule is a locale without any organizations, which gives unrestricted access to system resources in all
A Cisco UCS domain can contain up to 48 user locales.
Users with AAA privileges (AAA Administrator role) can assign organizations to the locale of other users.
The assignment of organizations is restricted to only those in the locale of the user assigning the organizations.
For example, if a locale contains only the Engineering organization then a user assigned that locale can only
assign the Engineering organization to other users.
You cannot assign a locale to users with one or more of the following privileges:Note
• aaa
• admin
• operations
You can hierarchically manage organizations. A user that is assigned at a top level organization has automatic
access to all organizations under it. For example, an Engineering organization can contain a Software
Engineering organization and a Hardware Engineering organization. A locale containing only the Software
Engineering organization has access to system resources only within that organization; however, a locale that
contains the Engineering organization has access to the resources for both the Software Engineering and
Hardware Engineering organizations.
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
166 OL-25712-04
User Locales