• Ctrl+Shift+r
You may need to press the selected key combination multiple times before your screen displays the loader
Step 5
Boot the kernel firmware version on the primary fabric interconnect.
loader > boot /installables/switch/
loader > boot /installables/switch/ucs-6100-k9-kickstart.4.1.3.N2.1.0.11.gbin
Step 6
Enter config terminal mode.
Fabric(boot)# config terminal
Step 7
Reset the admin password.
Fabric(boot)(config)# admin-password password
Choose a strong password that includes at least one capital letter and one number. The password cannot be
The new password displays in clear text mode.
Step 8
Exit config terminal mode and return to the boot prompt.
Step 9
Boot the system firmware version on the primary fabric interconnect.
Fabric(boot)# load /installables/switch/
Fabric(boot)# load /installables/switch/ucs-6100-k9-system.4.1.3.N2.1.0.211.bin
Step 10
After the system image loads, log in to Cisco UCS Manager.
Step 11
In the console for the subordinate fabric interconnect, do the following to bring it up:
a) Boot the kernel firmware version on the subordinate fabric interconnect.
loader > boot /installables/switch/
b) Boot the system firmware version on the subordinate fabric interconnect.
Fabric(boot)# load /installables/switch/
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 637
Recovering a Lost Password