2. You must have both units connected through the Ground Fault Interrupter (GFI) in
order to use this device.
1. Plug GFI into a well-grounded 110VAC/20A circuit. If you have any doubt about the
circuit’s safety ground, plug-in testers are available to test the outlet. If in doubt,
discontinue trying to power this unit until the outlet can be checked by an electrician.
2. With the power switch in the OFF position, verify that the red LED in the plug turns on.
3. Press the test button, and verify that the red LED in the plug turns off.
4. Press and release the reset button, and verify that the red LED indicator turns on.
5. The GFI is now ready for use.
WARNING: If the GFI fails to trip (turn off) when the test button is pressed, or fails to
reset (turn on), the device is defective and should be replaced.
o NOTE: If the GFI tests properly without a load applied, but trips each time a load is
connected, then the load has a ground fault condition and needs to be repaired or
3. IMPORTANT! Be aware of foam accumulations near the Super Foam Dome
source/power box. Since the Super Foam Dome
is a very high output unit capable of
extreme volumes of foam, place in an area, which allows full relief of foam from nozzle
(front outlet) in all directions.
5.3 Hooking things up
1. Unpack crate and remove packing materials. Inspect Super Foam Dome
, pump and
GFI for any damage and notify CITC immediately if any problems occurred during
2. Hanging clamp is located behind the handle in the back. The safety cable is for properly
hanging the unit. Locate in open area for foam to drop to the floor. Before hanging, test
the fan in the Super Foam Dome
unit to check for quiet operation. Hang vertically so
the fluid nozzle is facing down toward the floor. The fan unit should spin freely without
3. Mix fluid according to instructions. Never use concentrated fluid in this machine
! Use
either a plastic 50-55 gal. drum (metal will rust), or use a clean trash container heavy
enough to hold that much water. Note: Water weight is 500 lbs! While using eye
protection and rubber gloves, clean container if necessary and fill with 50-55 gals. of
warm water first, then the 1 gal. of concentrate (use 12.8 oz of concentrate for 5 gal test).
Mix by stirring without agitating. See warning statement (below) about proper safety
features. Lower the hose from pump with hose attached to the pump into drum full of
Super Foam Dome
Fluid. Connect hose from the pump to the input hose connection
on the Super Foam Dome
. Be sure rubber washers are always in place inside the
hose connection before connecting. DO NOT SUBMERGE THIS PUMP.
WARNING when mixing Concentrate: USE ONLY AS DIRECTED.
Handle concentrate with care.
Avoid contact with eyes. Concentrate is irritant to
eyes. Wear eye protection and gloves when mixing. If concentrate contacts eyes,
immediately wash with plenty of water, lifting eyelids for 15 minutes. Consult a physician.