
Dialogic Corporation
If registration is initiated by a Dialogic
Global Call API application via gc_ReqService( ) and the
Gatekeeper rejects the registration, a GCEV_SERVICERESP event containing the result code
If an application’s registration attempt fails for any reason, it is the application’s responsibility to
If the stack receives an unsolicited URQ, it silently responds with a UCF, and immediately tries to
re-register with the same Gatekeeper. If three successive attempts at re-registration fail, the library
generates GCEV_TASKFAIL. If the application attempts to use the gc_ReqService( ) function
during this time, those function calls will fail.
In SIP, an application can make multiple simultaneous registration requests to different Registrars
or to the same Registrar on behalf of different User Agents. To allow the application to distinguish
among multiple completion events from these simultaneous requests, the data associated with the
completion event contains a Service ID parameter that is the number that was handed back to the
application when the initiating gc_ReqService( ) was made.
According to RFC3261, applications may not make more than one registration attempt at the same
time for a particular User Agent on a particular Registrar. If the application attempts to send a
second REGISTER request to a given Registrar for the same UA before the initial REGISTER
transaction completes, the call control library rejects the request and generates a
GCEV_SERVICERESP event containing the result code
IPEC_REG_FAIL_registrationTransactionInProgress to notify the application of the rejection. Auto-Refreshing Registrations
The Dialogic
Global Call API enables an application to specify a one-time registration or periodic
registration where bindings are automatically re-registered with the Gatekeeper/Registrar at the
interval (in seconds) specified by the application. Applications that are using automatic re-
registration are not notified of successful registration refresh transactions.
In H.323 registration, periodic registration is achieved by setting the time_to_live field in the
IP_REGISTER_ADDRESS structure. If the parameter is set to zero (the default value), then the
stack uses one-time registration functionality. If the parameter is set to a value greater than zero,
then each registration with the server is valid for the specified number of seconds and the stack
automatically refreshes its request before timeout.
If the Gatekeeper rejects the registration (sends RRJ) during periodic registration, the application
will receive an unsolicited GCEV_TASKFAIL event that contains a reason provided by the
Gatekeeper. If the Gatekeeper does not set the reason, the default reason is