
Global Call IP Technology Guide — November 2007 383
Dialogic Corporation
Debugging Dialogic
Global Call API IP Applications
The Error label is normally enabled globally. The Debug label is enabled and disabled on the
module level, and if the label is enabled the logging of these statements is controllable on an
individual client basis. The state of the Warning label has no effect on the sip_stack module.
The sip_stack module in the RtfConfig.xml file begins with the statement:
<Module name="sip_stack" state="1">
Following this statement is an “MLabel” statement to set the local state of the Debug label, which
is disabled (state="0") in the default RtfConfig.xml file:
<MLabel name="Debug" state="0"/>
The “MLabel” statement for the Debug label interacts with the state settings of the “MClient”
elements to enable or disable logging from the individual software modules of the SIP protocol
stack. Setting the state of the Debug label to "0" disables all debug statements from the SIP stack,
regardless of the states of the individual RTF clients. Setting the state of the Debug label to "1"
enables logging of debug statements for any stack modules that have their RTF client state to "1".
Note: Enabling the Debug label while all of the sip_stack clients are set to the enabled state may produce
a very large log file and may cause significant loading of the CPU.
The “MClient” statements for each software module in the sip_stack module follow the “MLabel”
statement in the RtfConfig.xml file. A typical “MClient” statement in the RtfConfig.xml file looks
like the following, which enables logging for the MESSAGE client if the Debug label is enabled:
<MClient name="MESSAGE" state="1"/>
The names of the RTF clients in the sip_stack module (along with the module names used in the
previous GC_H3R logging implementation) include the following:
MESSAGE (formerly RvSipStack_Message)
TRANSPORT (formerly RvSipStack_Transport)
TRANSACTION (formerly RvSipStack_Transaction)
CALL (formerly RvSipStack_Call)
PARSER (formerly RvSipStack_Parser)
STACK (formerly RvSipStack_Stack)
MSG BUILDER (formerly RvSipStack_MsgBuilder)
AUTHENTICATOR (formerly RvSipStack_Authenticator)
REG CLIENT (formerly RvSipStack_RegClient)
7.2.4 Configuring H.323 Stack Logging
The “h323_stack” RTF module controls logging of debug statements that relate to the H.323
protocol stack used by the IP Call control library. In previous implementations, this logging was
configured via the rvtele.ini file and the statements were logged to the file rvtsp1.log.
The h323_stack RTF module uses a single label, namely Debug. The states of the Error and
Warning labels have no effect on the h323_stack module.