
380 Dialogic
Global Call IP Technology Guide — November 2007
Dialogic Corporation
Debugging Dialogic
Global Call API IP Applications
<MLabel name="Warning" state="1"/>
<MLabel name="Debug" state="0"/>
In the gc_h3r module, the “MLabel” statement for the Warning label enables or disables the
logging of all statements from the gc_h3r module that have LEVEL_WARNING in them
regardless of the state settings of the “MClient” elements. The “MLabel” statement for the Debug
label, on the other hand, interacts with the state settings of the “MClient” elements. Setting the state
of the Debug label to "0" disables all statements containing LEVEL_INFO, LEVEL_INFO_EXT,
or LEVEL_ALL, regardless of the MClient states. But setting the state of the Debug label to "1"
only enables these statements for software modules that have their client state to "1". By enabling
only the client modules are of interest in a given debug process, users can avoid the very large
output that would result if all low-level statements from all gc_h3r software modules are logged.
Note: Enabling the Debug label while all of the gc_h3r clients are set to the enabled state may produce a
very large log file and may cause significant loading of the CPU.
The “MClient” statements for each software module in the gc_h3r module follow the “MLabel”
statements in the RtfConfig.xml file. The “MClient” statements are divided into four groups which
correspond to four functional groups covered by this logging module. The prefixes of the client
names also reflect this four-part grouping. A typical “MClient” statement looks like the following:
<MClient name="SH_CRN" state="1"/>
The following list gives the names and basic descriptions of the RTF clients in the GC_H3R
module along with the corresponding module names that were used in the previous, non-RTF
implementation of GC_H3R logging.
SH_CRN (formerly M_CRN)
Sharon Call Reference Number
SH_MGR (formerly M_SH_MAN)
Sharon Manager
SH_LD (formerly M_LD)
Sharon Line Device
SH_MEDIA (formerly M_MEDIA)
Sharon Media
SH_PDL (formerly M_PDL)
Sharon Platform Dependent Layer
Sharon Packer
SH_DBASE (formerly M_SH_DB)
Sharon Database
SH_DECODER (formerly M_SH_DEC)
Sharon Decoder
SH_ENCODER (formerly M_SH_ENC)
Sharon Encoder
SH_IPC (formerly M_SH_IPC)
Sharon Inter-Process Communication