
Global Call IP Technology Guide — November 2007 349
Dialogic Corporation
Third Party Call Control (3PCC) Operations and Multimedia Support
/* put the SDP content into the parameter block */
rc = gc_util_insert_parm_ref_ex(&gcParmBlk,
IPSET_SDP, /* set value */
IPPARM_SDP_OFFER, /* parm value */
(void *) sdpMsg);
if (rc != 0) return FAILURE;
/* send the re-INVITE message */
if (gc_ReqModifyCall(crn, gcParmBlk, EV_ASYNC) != GC_SUCCESS)
return FAILURE;
/* cleanup and exit */
return SUCCESS;
} gc_SipAck( )
The gc_SipAck( ) function is used to send an ACK message to the remote party on an outbound
INVITE and re-INVITE transaction. The Dialogic
Global Call API library cannot automatically
send an ACK after it receives a 200 OK message, so the host application must call this function in
response to the reception of a GCEV_SIP_200OK event. The ACK completes the dialog’s
transaction, avoiding time-out/call failure issues. SDP content may be attached to the ACK
message by including a pointer to a parameter block that contains an element with the IPSET_SDP
parameter set ID. gc_Listen( ) and gc_UnListen( )
When the Dialogic
Global Call API library is initialized in 3PCC mode, gc_Listen( ) and
gc_UnListen( ) requests are routed directly to the IPML. Valid IPML device handles are required
for the gc_Listen( ) and gc_UnListen( ) functions, but Dialogic
Global Call API media control
functions are not available when the Dialogic
Global Call API library is initialized in 3PCC
Refer to Section, “Global Call Functions Invalid in Third Party Call Control Mode”, on
page 351 for information about media control functions that are not available when Dialogic
Global Call API is initialized in 3PCC mode. gc_SetUserInfo( ) Duration Defines
A new duration define, GC_NEXT_OUTBOUND_MSG, is available for the gc_SetUserInfo( )
function. This duration define is only valid when the Dialogic
Global Call API library is
initialized in 3PCC mode. It has been included because the GC_SINGLECALL and
GC_ALLCALLS are not sufficient for the life cycle of an IPSET_SDP parameter data set.
The GC_SINGLE_CALL and GC_ALL_CALLS duration defines are also inadequate for setting
MIME data, and some generic header data. The GC_NEXT_OUTBOUND_MSG duration define
implies that the data set is only valid until the next outbound SIP message is sent. The