21 – 1
Vission 20/20 • Operation and Service Manual •Vilter/Emerson • 35391SC 1.8.5153
Section 21 • Maintenance
The maintenance screen is a convenient place to keep
track of the the maintenance performed and any upcom-
ing maintenance recommended by Vilter. Based on this
page, banners will be displayed on the lower status bar.
Yellow banners are to warn the operator of any upcom-
ing maintenance and red banners indicate maintenance
that is overdue, see Figure 20-1. Maintenance Screen.
The check list is where the operator will perform the
maintenance sign-off. Once the operator has selected
the item to sign off, pressing the “Update” button at the
bottom of the page will perform the sign-off operation
and list the maintenance performed in the maintenance
Maintenance Name:
• This column of tasks that should be performed at the
run hours indicated in Maintenance interval column.
Select the checkbox from the maintenance task name
and press “update” button to perform the sign-off.
Maintenance Interval (Hours):
• This column indicates the Run hours at which the task
in the fi rst column should be performed. When a task
is selected, the maintenance interval will change to
refl ect the next interval.
Time Remaining (Hours):
• This column indicates the Run hours left before the
maintenance task should be performed.
Figure 21-1. Maintenance Screen