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Vission 20/20 • Operation and Service Manual •Vilter/Emerson • 35391SC 1.8.5153
Section 16 • Event List
This screen is designed to display compressor events in
chronological order. The information available on the
screen is valuable for understanding the operation of the
compressor and troubleshooting, see Figure 16-1. Event
List Screen. This screen Is divided into four columns and
can list up to 128 separate events. The operator can
download the information on the event list through the
Data Backup Screen.
Event list Columns
• Displays the date of the event in MM-DD-YYYY
• Displays the time of the event in HH:MM:SS format.
Event Type:
• Displays the type of message for a particular listing.
Common type are “Start”, “Stop”, “Trip”, “Inhibit”,
“Alarm”, and “System”. These help the operator to
understand the meaning of the message in the next
• Displays the informational string that describes the
Figure 16-1. Event List Screen