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Vission 20/20 • Operation and Service Manual •Vilter/Emerson • 35391SC 1.8.5153
Section 11 • Condenser Control
This screen allows the operator to view and adjust con-
denser setpoint settings associated with condenser op-
eration. This screen will only be active if the Condenser
Control option has been enabled from the Confi guration
Screen, see Figure 11-1. Condenser Control Screen.
The Condenser Control operation allows the cycling of
fans and pumps in order to maintain a specifi c condens-
ing pressure. The fi ve different steps in step control al-
low selection of fans, pumps and VFD in one or more
steps. When a VFD is employed, VFD is allowed to reach
maximum speed, if additional capacity is needed, the
next fan or pump is turned on. The VFD will modulate
down and then once it is back up to 100% again, then
the next fan or pump is turned on. This method allows
the smoothest condenser control by spacing the VFD
between the fan and pump steps, while maintaining a
condenser pressure that matches the setpoint.
Condenser Control Setpoint:
Run Mode:
Run Mode allows the selection of different modes of op-
eration for condenser control. The choices for selection
• Run Never - The mode of operation by default.
Condenser Control operation will not be performed
when this mode is active.
• Run With Comp - Automatic operation of condenser
control selected when control of the condenser is re-
quired to only run when the compressor is running.
• Run Always - Automatic operation of condenser con-
trol selected when control of the condenser is re-
quired to run even when the compressor is off.
• Manual - Mode for controlling condenser control op-
eration manually. Operator controls the operation
by manual stepping using an on/off toggle button at
each step.
Figure 11-1. Condenser Control Screen