The frame, 14 gauge, MIG welded tubular and
formed steel, provides maximum support while 1"
(25.4mm) deep steel panels with 1-1/2 lb. (.68 kg)
insulation protect and quiet the system. The front
door can be opened for service without shutting off
the system. All components are accessible for service/
maintenance through the front of the unit.
Liebert enhances the Challenger 3000’s resistance to
corrosion by applying a black, powder-coat finish to
all frame components. Exterior panels are similarly
protected with durable powder-coating.
The high voltage compartment contains the contac-
tors, transformers and overloads and all other high-
voltage components.
Each high voltage component is protected by a sepa-
rate overcurrent protective device. The entire high
voltage panel is enclosed by a safety lock dead front
panel. When the front door is opened by operating
personnel, the high voltage components remain
enclosed for operator safety.
The Challenger 3000 features a quiet, low speed fan
assembly with double inlet blower, lifetime lubrica-
tion and self-aligning ball bearings. The motor and
variable pitch drive are mounted on an adjustable
base. The entire blower/ motor assembly is mounted
on vibration isolators for smoother operation.
The draw-through design of the fan section provides
even air distribution across the coil, controlled air for
bypass humidification, elimination of air bypass
around the filters and low internal cabinet pressure
High-intensity quartz lamps over the stainless steel
humidifier pan permit clean, particle-free vapor to be
added to the air within 5 to 6 seconds of the elec-
tronic call from the microprocessor control.
The quartz lamps provide radiant energy that evapo-
rates water in a pure state, without solids.
The Infrared Humidifier is equipped with an auto-
matic water supply system that significantly reduces
cleaning maintenance. This system has an adjust-
able water over-feed to prevent mineral precipita-
tion. A drain valve is provided to easily empty the
humidifier pan prior to inspection or servicing. A
control valve regulates flow at water pressures
between 5 and 150 psig (34.5 and 1034 kPa) and
includes a Y-strainer.
The two-stage 304 stainless steel reheat elements
are a rigid, fin-tubular design that have extended
operation life. The reheat has ample capacity to
maintain room dry-bulb conditions during a system
call for dehumidification. The two stages give an
accurate, controlled response to the requirements of
the computer room. The low watt density, electrically
enclosed elements are surrounded by the tube and
fins, reducing sheath temperatures and eliminating
The standard pleated 2" (51mm) filter with an effi-
ciency of 20% (based on ASHRAE 52.1) can be
changed quickly and easily through the front of the