The condensate pump, mounted in the bottom of
most units, is used for condensate water only.
Complete with
sump, motor and
pump assembly
and automatic
Standard model
has single float.
A dual float con-
densate pump
which includes
connections to
unit, common
alarm, unit shut-
down and one customer N/O contact is also available.
Clean, pure steam is generated in a disposable canis-
ter that is complete with supply and drain valves,
electronic controls and steam distributor. The
humidifier is provided with an automatic flush cycle
to lengthen service life. An indicator on the Chal-
lenger 3000 monitor panel is activated when the can-
ister should be changed.
The remote temperature/ humidity sensors permit
monitoring room conditions from an external source.
They are encased in an attractive case and are pro-
vided with a plug compatible shielded cable in virtu-
ally any length.
The disconnect operat-
ing handle protrudes
through the front of the
system for easy access.
Meets NEC codes.
The locking disconnect
switch, mounted in the
electrical panel, is con-
nected to the safety lock
dead front panel of the
system and is inter-
locked mechanically. In
this way the panel can’t be opened until the switch is
in the off position. And it complies with local codes as
well as those of the NEC.
Available in heights from 9" to 24" (228.6 to
609.6mm) in 3" (76.2mm) increments, adjustable +1-
1/2" (38.1mm). Allows for installation and connection
of the Challenger 3000 prior to installation of the
raised floor. A modular, field-installed turning vane
can be added to the floor stand.