The chilled water cooling coil is designed for closed-
loop applications using properly maintained water. It
is constructed of copper tubes and aluminum fins. A-
frame coils are used on downflow units and V-frame
coils are used on upflow units. To ensure quality, the
coil is manufactured to the highest standards in the
The flow of chilled water through the cooling coil is
controlled by an electronic modulating motor. The
microprocessor control will activate the motor when
a need for cooling or dehumidification exists. The
motor will position the valve to precisely match the
needs of the conditioned space.
All chilled water piping within the Challenger 3000
is fully insulated to assure full system capacity and
prevent condensation.
The fully insulated control valve gives the condi-
tioned space the precise cooling needed by electronic
equipment. Its unique design requires no overtravel
linkages and never requires adjustment.
The flow switch will activate the alarm system and/
or shut down the system should the chilled water
supply be interrupted. The switch is factory wired
and mounted in the chilled water valve compart-
For special applications, a high pressure, modulating
3-way or 2-way valve can be provided. The valve is
designed for 400 psig (2758 kPa) water pressure.