
 
The cooling coil shall have a minimum of _____ sq. ft.
(sq. m) face area, _____ rows deep. The coil shall be
controlled by a modulating control valve. The chilled
water coil shall be designed for closed-loop applica-
tions using properly maintained water. It shall be
configured as an (A) (V) frame and be constructed of
copper tubes and aluminum fins and have a maxi-
mum face velocity of _____ ft. per minute (m/s) at
_____ CFM (CMH). The water circuit shall be
designed to distribute water into the entire coil face
area. The coil shall be supplied with _____ °F (°C)
entering water temperature, with a _____ °F (°C)
temperature rise. The coil shall be supplied with
_____ GPM (m/s) of chilled water and the pressure
drop shall not exceed _____ PSI (kPa). The coil
assembly shall be mounted in a stainless steel con-
densate drain pan.
3-Way Chilled Water Valve (Standard)
The water circuit shall include a 3-way modulating
valve. The microprocessor control shall position the
valve in response to room conditions. Cooling capac-
ity will be controlled by bypassing chilled water
around the coil.
2-Way Chilled Water Valve (Optional)
The water circuit shall include a 2-way modulating
valve. The microprocessor control shall position the
valve in response to room conditions. The minimum
close-off pressure of the valve/actuator assembly
shall be _____ PSI (kPa).
Design Pressure
The chilled water circuit shall be designed for a pres-
sure of [(150 PSI (1034 kPa)) (400 PSI (2758 kPa))].
Flow Switch (Optional)
The flow switch shall activate the alarm system
should the chilled water supply be interrupted. The
switch shall be factory mounted and wired.
 
(For detailed Guide Specifications on these products,
refer to information posted at www.liebert.com)
SiteScan Web System
SiteLink Module
OpenComms Nform
OpenComms NIC & Web Card (OC-NIC &
OC-Web Card)
Environmental Discrete Outputs Card
Remote Contact Monitor
Autochangeover Controllers
Universal Monitor
Leak Detection
Direct Read Module
Zone Sensor
Spot Sensor
 
 
 
Install environmental control units in accordance
with manufacturer’s installation instructions. Install
units plumb and level, firmly anchored in locations
indicated, and maintain manufacturer’s recom-
mended clearances.
 
Install and connect electrical devices furnished by
manufacturer but not specified to be factory mounted.
Furnish copy of manufacturer’s electrical connection
diagram submittal to electrical contractor.
 
Install and connect devices furnished by manufac-
turer but not specified to be factory mounted. Fur-
nish copy of manufacturer’s piping connection
diagram submittal to piping contractor.
 
Connect water supply and drains to air conditioning
unit. Provide pitch and trap as manufacturer’s
instructions and local codes require.
 
Start up environmental control units in accordance
with manufacturer’s start up instructions. Test con-
trols and demonstrate compliance with requirements.