Communications tool Connection type to use Instructions
Field Communicator HART Appendix C
(Optional) Change the communications parameters to site-specific values.
To change the communications parameters using ProLink II:
• To change the protocol, baud rate, parity, or stop bits, choose ProLink > Configuration >
• To change the address, choose ProLink > Configuration > Device.
To change the communications parameters using the Field Communicator, choose On-Line
Menu > Configure > Manual Setup > Inputs/Outputs > Communications.
If you are changing communications parameters for the connection type that you are using, you will
lose the connection when you write the parameters to the transmitter. Reconnect using the new
2.4 Characterize the flowmeter (if required)
Not available
ProLink II ProLink > Configuration > Density ProLink > Configuration > Flow
Field Communicator Configure > Manual Setup > Characterize
Characterizing the flowmeter adjusts your transmitter to match the unique traits of the
sensor it is paired with. The characterization parameters (also called calibration
parameters) describe the sensor’s sensitivity to flow, density, and temperature.
Depending on your sensor type, different parameters are required. Values for your sensor
are provided by Micro Motion on the sensor tag or the calibration certificate.
If your flowmeter was ordered as a unit, it has already been characterized at the factory. However,
you should still verify the characterization parameters.
1. Specify Sensor Type.
• Straight-tube (T-Series)
• Curved-tube (all sensors except T-Series)
Quick start
Configuration and Use Manual 7