
Appendix B
Using ProLink II with the transmitter
Topics covered in this appendix:
Basic information about ProLink II
Menu maps for ProLink II
B.1 Basic information about ProLink II
ProLink II is a software tool available from Micro Motion. It runs on a Windows platform and
provides complete access to transmitter functions and data.
ProLink II requirements
To install ProLink II, you must have:
The ProLink II installation media
The ProLink II installation kit for your connection type
To obtain ProLink II and the appropriate installation kit, contact Micro Motion.
ProLink II documentation
Most of the instructions in this manual assume that you are already familiar with ProLink II
or that you have a general familiarity with Windows programs. If you need more
information than this manual provides, see the ProLink II manual (ProLink
II Software for
Micro Motion
Transmitters: Installation and Use Manual).
In most ProLink II installations, the manual is installed with the ProLink II program.
Additionally, the ProLink II manual is available on the Micro Motion documentation CD or
the Micro Motion web site (www.micromotion.com).
ProLink II features and functions
ProLink II offers complete transmitter configuration and operation functions. ProLink II also
offers a number of additional features and functions, including:
The ability to save the transmitter configuration set to a file on the PC, and reload it
or propagate it to other transmitters
The ability to log specific types of data to a file on the PC
A commissioning wizard
A proving wizard
A gas wizard
These features are documented in the ProLink II manual. They are not documented in the
current manual.
Using ProLink II with the transmitter
Configuration and Use Manual 211