Before you can configure concentration measurement:
• The concentration measurement application must be enabled on your transmitter.
• You must know the derived variable that your matrix is designed for.
• You must know the density unit used by your matrix.
• You must know the temperature unit used by your matrix.
• The concentration measurement application must be unlocked.
1. Choose Online > Configure > Manual Setup > Measurements > Density and set Density Unit to
match the density unit used by your matrix.
2. Choose Online > Configure > Manual Setup > Measurements > Temperature and set
Temperature Unit to match the temperature unit used by your matrix.
3. Choose Online > Configure > Manual Setup > Measurements > Conc Measurement (CM) > CM
4. Set up extrapolation alerts.
Each concentration matrix is built for a specific density range and a specific
temperature range. If process density or process temperature goes outside the
range, the transmitter will extrapolate concentration values. However, extrapolation
may affect accuracy. Extrapolation alerts are used to notify the operator that
extrapolation is occurring.
a. Choose Online > Configure > Manual Setup > Measurements > Conc Measurement (CM) >
Matrix Configuration.
b. Set Matrix Being Configured to the matrix that you want to configure.
c. Set Extrapolation Alert Limit to the point, in percent, at which an extrapolation alert
will be posted.
d. Choose Online > Configure > Alert Setup > CM Alerts.
Example: If Alarm Limit is set to 5%, the high-temperature extrapolation alert is
enabled, and the matrix is built for a temperature range of 40 °F to 80 °F, an
extrapolation alarm will be posted if process temperature goes above 82 °F
5. Select the label that will be used for the concentration unit.
a. Choose Online > Configure > Manual Setup > Measurements > Conc Measurement (CM) >
Matrix Configuration.
b. Set Matrix Being Configured to the matrix that you want to configure.
c. Set Concentration Units to the desired label.
d. If you set Units to Special, enter the custom label.
6. Determine how the transmitter will obtain temperature data for the concentration
measurement calculations, and perform the required setup.
Configure process measurement
56 Micro Motion
9739 MVD Transmitters