Status alarms and recommended actions (continued)Table 10-2:
Alarm code Description Cause Recommended actions
A011 Zero Calibration Failed:
Many possible causes,
such as too much flow
– especially reverse
flow – through the sen-
sor during a calibration
• Verify that there is no flow through the sensor,
then retry the procedure.
• Cycle power to the meter, then retry the pro-
A012 Zero Calibration Failed:
Many possible causes,
such as too much flow
– especially forward
flow – through the sen-
sor during a calibration
• Verify that there is no flow through the sensor,
then retry the procedure.
• Cycle power to the meter, then retry the pro-
A013 Zero Calibration Failed:
There was too much in-
stability during the cali-
bration procedure.
• Remove or reduce sources of electromechani-
cal noise (e.g., pumps, vibration, pipe stress),
then retry the procedure.
• Cycle power to the meter, then retry the pro-
A014 Transmitter Failure Many possible causes. • Cycle power to the meter.
• Contact Micro Motion.
A016 Sensor RTD Failure The value computed for
the resistance of the
Line RTD is outside lim-
• Check the sensor wiring. See Section 10.28.1.
• Check your process conditions against the val-
ues reported by the flowmeter.
• Contact Micro Motion.
A017 T-Series RTD Failure The value computed for
the resistance of the
Meter/Case RTD is out-
side limits.
• Check the sensor wiring. See Section 10.28.1.
• Check your process conditions against the val-
ues reported by the flowmeter. Temperature
should be between –200 °F and +400 °F.
• Verify that all of the characterization parame-
ters match the data on the sensor tag.
• Contact Micro Motion.
A018 EEPROM Error (Trans-
• Cycle power to the meter.
• Contact Micro Motion.
A019 RAM Error (Transmitter) • Cycle power to the meter.
• Contact Micro Motion.
A020 No Flow Cal Value The flow calibration fac-
tor and/or K1 has not
been entered since the
last master reset.
• Verify that all of the characterization parame-
ters match the data on the sensor tag.
A021 Incorrect Sensor Type
The sensor is recog-
nized as a straight tube
but the K1 value indi-
cates a curved tube, or
vice versa.
• Verify that all of the characterization parame-
ters match the data on the sensor tag.
162 Micro Motion
9739 MVD Transmitters