
Status alarms and recommended actions (continued)Table 10-2:
Alarm code Description Cause Recommended actions
A011 Zero Calibration Failed:
Many possible causes,
such as too much flow
– especially reverse
flow – through the sen-
sor during a calibration
Verify that there is no flow through the sensor,
then retry the procedure.
Cycle power to the meter, then retry the pro-
A012 Zero Calibration Failed:
Many possible causes,
such as too much flow
– especially forward
flow – through the sen-
sor during a calibration
Verify that there is no flow through the sensor,
then retry the procedure.
Cycle power to the meter, then retry the pro-
A013 Zero Calibration Failed:
There was too much in-
stability during the cali-
bration procedure.
Remove or reduce sources of electromechani-
cal noise (e.g., pumps, vibration, pipe stress),
then retry the procedure.
Cycle power to the meter, then retry the pro-
A014 Transmitter Failure Many possible causes. Cycle power to the meter.
Contact Micro Motion.
A016 Sensor RTD Failure The value computed for
the resistance of the
Line RTD is outside lim-
Check the sensor wiring. See Section 10.28.1.
Check your process conditions against the val-
ues reported by the flowmeter.
Contact Micro Motion.
A017 T-Series RTD Failure The value computed for
the resistance of the
Meter/Case RTD is out-
side limits.
Check the sensor wiring. See Section 10.28.1.
Check your process conditions against the val-
ues reported by the flowmeter. Temperature
should be between –200 °F and +400 °F.
Verify that all of the characterization parame-
ters match the data on the sensor tag.
Contact Micro Motion.
A018 EEPROM Error (Trans-
Cycle power to the meter.
Contact Micro Motion.
A019 RAM Error (Transmitter) Cycle power to the meter.
Contact Micro Motion.
A020 No Flow Cal Value The flow calibration fac-
tor and/or K1 has not
been entered since the
last master reset.
Verify that all of the characterization parame-
ters match the data on the sensor tag.
A021 Incorrect Sensor Type
The sensor is recog-
nized as a straight tube
but the K1 value indi-
cates a curved tube, or
vice versa.
Verify that all of the characterization parame-
ters match the data on the sensor tag.
162 Micro Motion
9739 MVD Transmitters