BACnet Communications - Thermal Management Products
251 Liebert
Modbus/BACnet IP
High Power Shutdown - Event Type The event type for the [High Power Shutdown] event.
High Power Shutdown Supply to high power components has been shutdown.
High Return Humidity - Event Control
Enable/disable the activation of the [High Return Humidity] event. If set to
'disabled', the event will not be annunciated. This implies that the event will not
be placed in any active event list or in any event history list.
High Return Humidity - Event Type The event type for the [High Return Humidity] event.
High Return Humidity Threshold Threshold value used in the [High Return Humidity] event.
High Return Humidity Return air high humidity event.
High Static Pressure High static pressure event.
Hot Water / Hot Gas State Hot water / hot gas operational state.
Hot Water / Hot Gas Valve Hours
[Hot Water / Hot Gas Valve Hours] has exceeded [Hot Water / Hot Gas Valve
Hours Threshold].
Hot Water / Hot Gas Valve Hours
Threshold value used in the [Hot Water / Hot Gas Valve Hours Exceeded] event.
Hot Water / Hot Gas Valve Hours
Operating hours for hot water / hot gas valve since last reset of this value. If
operating hours exceeds 32,000, this client will continue to display 32,000, but
the iCOM display will show the actual value.
Hot Water / Hot Gas Valve Open Position Hot water / hot gas valve open position.
Humidifier Control Board Not Detected Humidifier control board is required to be connected, but no signal is detected.
Humidifier Cylinder Worn Humidifier cylinder is not operating properly and needs to be replaced.
Humidifier Hours Exceeded Operating hours for the humidifier have exceeded the threshold.
Humidifier Hours Threshold Threshold value used in the [Humidifier Hours Exceeded] event.
Humidifier Hours
Operating hours for humidifier since last reset of this value. If operating hours
exceeds 32,000, this client will continue to display 32,000, but the iCOM display
will show the actual value.
Humidifier Issue - Event Control
Enable/disable the activation of the [Humidifier Issue] event. If set to 'disabled',
the event will not be annunciated. This implies that the event will not be placed
in any active event list or in any event history list.
Humidifier Issue - Event Type The event type for the [Humidifier Issue] event.
Humidifier Issue Humidifier issue detected, causing it to be locked out.
Humidifier Lockout Enable/disable the use of the humidifier.
Humidifier Low Water The water level in the humidifier has dropped below its threshold.
Humidifier Over Current The electrical current to the humidifier has exceeded its upper threshold.
Humidifier State Humidifier operational state.
Humidifier Under Current The electrical current to the humidifier has dropped below its lower threshold.
Humidifier Utilization
Present humidifier utilization expressed as a percentage of the maximum rated
Humidity Control Sensor
Sensor from which humidity measurements will be used for humidification and
dehumidification control.
Humidity Dead Band
Value that is divided evenly to form a range above and below [Humidity Set
Point]. If measured humidity is within this range, no humidification or
dehumidification will occur.
Humidity Proportional Band
Value that is divided evenly to form proportional humidity control bands above
and below [Humidity Set Point].
Humidity Proportional Control Integration
Time value used to add an integral term to proportional humidity control. If set to
0, time will not be a factor in the proportional control algorithm.
Humidity Proportional Control Type Type of algorithm to use for proportional control of output humidity.
Humidity Proportional Control Type Type of algorithm to use for proportional control of output humidity.
Table 82 Liebert Challenger 3000
, Liebert Challenger ITR
, Liebert CW
, Liebert Deluxe System/3
Liebert DS
, Liebert DSE
, Liebert HPM
, Liebert PeX
- Glossary
Data Label Data Description