Modbus 485 and Modbus IP Protocols - Thermal Management Products
Modbus/BACnet IP 32
Ext Standby Glycol Pump On -
Event Type
The event type for the [Ext Standby Glycol Pump On] event.
Ext Standby Glycol Pump On The standby glycol pump is on, as indicated by an external input signal.
Ext Standby Unit On - Event
Enable/disable the activation of the [Ext Standby Unit On] event. If set to 'disabled', the
event will not be annunciated. This implies that the event will not be placed in any
active event list or in any event history list.
Ext Standby Unit On - Event Type The event type for the [Ext Standby Unit On] event.
Ext Standby Unit On Standby unit is on, as indicated by an external input signal.
External Fire Detected Fire detected, as indicated by an external input signal.
Fan Control Mode Fan control mode.
Fan Control Sensor Sensor to be used for fan speed control.
Fan Hours Exceeded - Event
Enable/disable the activation of the [Fan Hours Exceeded] event. If set to 'disabled',
the event will not be annunciated. This implies that the event will not be placed in any
active event list or in any event history list.
Fan Hours Exceeded - Event Type The event type for the [Fan Hours Exceeded] event.
Fan Hours Exceeded Operating hours for the unit blower fan have exceeded the threshold.
Fan Hours Threshold Threshold value used in the [Fan Hours Exceeded] event.
Fan Hours
Operating hours for fan since last reset of this value. If operating hours exceeds
32,000, this client will continue to display 32,000, but the iCOM display will show the
actual value.
Fan Issue - Event Control
Enable/disable the activation of the [Fan Issue] event. If set to 'disabled', the event will
not be annunciated. This implies that the event will not be placed in any active event
list or in any event history list.
Fan Issue - Event Type The event type for the [Fan Issue] event.
Fan Issue One or more fans are not operating within their operational parameters.
Fan Speed Control Temperature
Temperature value being used for fan speed control. This value is compared against
the fan speed temperature set point to determine the fan speed.
Fan Speed Maximum Set Point
Maximum fan speed. This value may only be modified if iCOM is enabled to allow fan
speed changes by the BMS.
Fan Speed Minimum Set Point Minimum fan speed.
Fan Speed Temperature Set Point
If fan is in decoupled mode and not under manual control, the fan speed will vary
depending on the delta between the selected fan control sensor temperature and this
set point.
Fan Speed Fan speed expressed as a percentage of the maximum rated speed.
Fan State Fan operational state.
Fixed Compressor State Fixed compressor operational state.
Fluid Flow Rate Flow rate of fluid used for cooling.
Fluid Flow Sensor Issue The fluid flow sensor is disconnected or the signal is out of range.
Fluid Input Temperature Temperature of the fluid entering the cooling coil.
Fluid Output Temperature Temperature of the fluid exiting the cooling coil.
Fluid Temperature Sensor Issue The fluid temperature sensor is disconnected or the signal is out of range.
Free Cooling Fluid Temperature Free cooling fluid temperature.
Free Cooling Internal Control
Free cooling internal control mode
Free Cooling Internal Control
Free cooling internal control mode
Table 10 Liebert Challenger 3000
, Liebert Challenger ITR
, Liebert CW
, Liebert Deluxe System/3
Liebert DS
, Liebert DSE
, Liebert HPM
, Liebert PeX
- Glossary (continued)
Controller Liebert iCOM
Data Label Data Description