BACnet Communications - UPS Systems
337 Liebert
Modbus/BACnet IP
MMS Module DC Bus Voltage DC bus voltage of this module in a multi-module system
MMS Module Inverter Status Multi-module inverter status of this module (on/off)
MMS Module Number MMS module number
MMS Module Output Source
Module output source in a multi-module system (normal/bypass/
maintenance bypass/off)
MMS Module Output Voltage Status Output voltage status of this module in multi-module system
MMS Module Total kVA Output Total kVA output of this module in a multi-module system
MMS Module Total kW Output Total kW output of this module in a multi-module system
MMS On Battery The multi-module system is on battery
MMS Output Apparent Power The sum total apparent power of all system output modules
MMS Output Frequency The multi-module system output frequency
MMS Output Pct Apparent Pwr (kVA) Phase A
The multi-module system output apparent power on phase A as a
percentage of the rated capacity
MMS Output Pct Apparent Pwr (kVA) Phase B
The multi-module system output apparent power on phase B as a
percentage of the rated capacity
MMS Output Pct Apparent Pwr (kVA) Phase C
The multi-module system output apparent power on phase C as a
percentage of the rated capacity
MMS Output Pct Power Phase A
The multi-module system output power on phase A as a percentage of the
rated capacity
MMS Output Pct Power Phase B
The multi-module system output power on phase B as a percentage of the
rated capacity
MMS Output Pct Power Phase C
The multi-module system output power on phase C as a percentage of the
rated capacity
MMS Output Power Factor Phase A The multi-module system output power factor for phase A
MMS Output Power Factor Phase B The multi-module system output power factor for phase B
MMS Output Power Factor Phase C The multi-module system output power factor for phase C
MMS Output Power The sum total power of all system output modules
MMS Overload Multi-module system overload
MMS Retransfer Inhibit The critical load can not be manually retransferred from bypass to inverter
MMS Sharing Calib Active
A module is not sharing power with the other modules in a multi-module
MMS Transfer Inhibit The critical load can not be manually transferred from inverter to bypass
MMS UPS Battery Status Multi-module UPS battery status
MMS UPS Output Source Multi-module UPS output source
Module Accumulated Energy Total accumulated energy output for this module, since last energy reset.
Module In Standby - Intelligent Paralleling Module is placed into standby operation per Intelligent Paralleling.
Module Output Breaker (MOB) Module output breaker (MOB)
Module Output Breaker for Module 1 (MOB1) Module output breaker for module 1 (MOB1)
Module Output Breaker for Module 2 (MOB2) Module output breaker for module 2 (MOB2)
Module Output Breaker for Module 3 (MOB3) Module output breaker for module 3 (MOB3)
Module Output Breaker for Module 4 (MOB4) Module output breaker for module 4 (MOB4)
Module Output Breaker for Module 5 (MOB5) Module output breaker for module 5 (MOB5)
Module Output Breaker for Module 6 (MOB6) Module output breaker for module 6 (MOB6)
Module Output Breaker for Module 7 (MOB7) Module output breaker for module 7 (MOB7)
Module Output Breaker for Module 8 (MOB8) Module output breaker for module 8 (MOB8)
Multi-module System Output Voltage RMS A-B Multi-module system output RMS voltage between phases A and B
Table 109 Liebert NXL
- 60Hz, UL version (Model 40) - Glossary (continued)
Data Label Data Description