Modbus 485 and Modbus IP Protocols - Thermal Management Products
55 Liebert
Modbus/BACnet IP
Table 16 Extra notes key to Table 15
1 This point is supported on iCOM_SC31
2 This point is supported on iCOM_SC101
Table 17 Liebert HPC
(Chiller) - Glossary
Controller Liebert iCOM
Data Label Data Description
Actual Supply Fluid Temp Set Point
The actual set point value being used for the desired fluid temperature at the outlet of
the unit.
All Pumps Loss of Flow System is shut down due to loss of flow in all available pumps.
Ambient Air Temperature Sensor
The ambient air temperature sensor is disconnected or the signal is out of range.
Ambient Air Temperature Ambient air temperature.
Compressor Capacity Control State
Compressor capacity control state. When 'ON', the cooling capacity of the compressor
has been reduced.
Compressor Capacity Reduced Compressor capacity has been reduced.
Compressor Economizer Utilization
Present compressor economizer utilization expressed as a percentage of the
Compressor Head Pressure Over
Compressor head pressure has exceeded an upper threshold.
Compressor Head Pressure Compressor head pressure.
Compressor High Head Pressure Compressor is shut down due to high head pressure.
Compressor Hours Exceeded [Compressor Hours] has exceeded [Compressor Hours Threshold].
Compressor Hours Threshold Threshold value used in the [Compressor Hours Exceeded] event.
Compressor Hours Operating hours for compressor since last reset of this value.
Compressor Loss of Differential
Compressor is shut down due to low differential pressure.
Compressor Low Oil Pressure Compressor low oil pressure.
Compressor Low Suction Pressure Compressor is shut down due to low suction pressure.
Compressor Not Stopping Compressor commanded to stop, but continues to run.
Compressor Shut Down - Ambient
Air Low Temp Limit
When the temperature of ambient air falls below this lower threshold, the compressor
will be shut off. Correct condensing pressure cannot be achieved when temperature is
too low.
Compressor State Compressor operational state.
Compressor Thermal Overload Compressor is shut down due to thermal overload.
Compressor Utilization
Present compressor utilization expressed as a percentage of the maximum rated
Condenser Adiabatic Cooling
Present adiabatic cooling utilization expressed as a percentage of the maximum.
Condenser Fan Issue Condenser fan is not operating within its operational parameters.
Condenser Fan Speed Condenser fan speed expressed as a percentage of the maximum rated speed.
Condenser Inlet Water
For water cooled condensers, the temperature of the water entering the heat
exchanger, before cooling the refrigerant.
Condenser Max Fan Speed
Fan speed exceeding the maximum set point in order to alleviate a high temperature
or pressure condition.
Condenser Outlet Water
For water cooled condensers, the temperature of the water exiting the heat
exchanger, after cooling the refrigerant.
Customer Input 1 Customer input 1.
Customer Input 2 Customer input 2.