102 Micro Motion
Series 3000 MVD Transmitters and Controllers
Configuring Digital Communications
Printer test
After configuring the printer, select Printer Test to perform a printer test. A standard test page should
be produced at the printer. When the printer test is complete, the display reads “Print Test Complete.”
If printing does not occur:
• Check RS-485 output wiring. See Section 3.3.
• Make sure printer configuration settings are compatible with the selected printer. See the
instructions for the selected printer.
13.4 Configuring Bell 202 parameters
The Bell 202 parameters are used to configure HART communications over the Bell 202 physical
layer. (To set up Bell 202 communications, see Section 3.4.)
When using HART/Bell 202 communications, baud rate, stop bits, parity, and data bits have standard
values and cannot be changed. Parameters that can be set for Bell 202 communications are listed and
defined in Table 13-4.
Stop bits 1 bit Enter 1 or 2 stop bits as required by the printer.
Chars per
Variable Enter the number of characters per second to be sent to the printer. The range
is 1–1000.
The default value for the generic printer is very low, resulting in very slow
printing. Micro Motion recommends checking this parameter and setting it
appropriately for the printer being used.
Print buf size Variable Enter the size of the print buffer, in characters. The range is 32–32768.
The default value for the generic printer is very low, resulting in very slow
printing. Micro Motion recommends checking this parameter and setting it
appropriately for the printer being used.
Lines per page 25 This parameter is read-only, and shown only for user reference. If you are
printing more than 25 lines of data, you will need to insert multiple tickets or use
a roll of paper.
Disable paper
Yes Valid only for the Epson ticket printer.
If it is enabled, and an out-of-paper condition is detected:
• If the custody transfer application is installed and World Area is set to OIML, a
print failure message is shown on the Series 3000 display for five seconds.
• In all other cases, an A130 alarm is posted. The alarm is cleared when the
out-of-paper condition is removed.
Table 13-4 Bell 202 parameters
Variable Default Description
Polling address
0 Enter the HART polling address to be assigned to the Series 3000 device. Valid
HART polling addresses are in the range 0–15.
Loop current
Disable • Select Enable to enable Loop Current Mode.
• Select Disable to disable Loop Current Mode.
Burst mode
Disable • Select Enable to enable burst mode.
• Select Disable to disable burst mode.
Table 13-3 Printer communications parameters continued