Configuration and Use Manual 165
Operation Mode – Custody Transfer
Operation Mode – Batch Totalizers and InventoriesOperation Mode – Custody TransferOperation Mode
3. End the transaction, either by printing a transfer (OIML) ticket or by using the transfer reset
• To end a transaction via ticket printing, print a transfer (OIML) ticket that contains the
transfer total (see Section 19.5.4).
• To end a transaction via the transfer reset function, perform one of the following:
- Press the
RESET-T button.
- Activate a discrete input that is configured for transfer completion (see Section 14.5,
Step 6).
Note: During the transfer reset function, the Series 3000 display is temporarily blank.
When the transfer is completed, transfer data is written to the transfer log, the transfer BOL
number is incremented by 1, all totalizers except the batch totalizer are reset automatically, and
the next custody transfer transaction begins immediately.
Note: Inventories are not reset automatically when a transfer is completed.
Note the following:
• Tickets are optional. If you do not print a ticket, the transfer log is used for legal compliance,
and the transfer reset function is used to end the transaction and begin a new one.
• If flow is present:
- You cannot end the transaction.
- The transfer reset function is disabled.
- You may or may not be able to print a ticket. If you can, ticket contents will include the
flow rate and a “Not Complete” banner. See Section 19.5.4.
• A custody transfer (OIML) transaction can be executed and completed whether the device is
secured or unsecured.
19.5.3 Executing a custody transfer (OIML/batch) transaction
To execute a custody transfer (OIML/batch) transaction:
1. Reset the batch. Because Reset on Start is disabled, you must reset the batch manually. At this
point, the batch BOL number is incremented, the batch total is reset, and the custody transfer
transaction begins.
2. Run the batch. The discrete batch application will automatically stop flow when the target is
reached, but you may increase the target and resume flow if desired.
3. When the desired quantity has been delivered and flow is stopped, end the batch.
4. End the transaction by printing a batch (OIML) ticket (see Section 19.5.4).
Note the following:
• Ending a batch does not automatically end the transaction. The transaction ends when the first
batch (OIML) ticket is printed or when the batch is reset.
• If flow is present, you cannot end the transaction.