Configuration and Use Manual 15
Installation Using the DisplayDigital Communications SetupBefore You Begin
Chapter 3
Digital Communications Setup
3.1 About this chapter
This chapter explains how to install wiring for digital communications between the Series 3000
device and a remote device. The following are typical remote devices:
• Ticket printer
• Any PLC or control system
• PC running ProLink II
• 375 Field Communicator
• Temperature or pressure sensor
• HART Tri-Loop
Note: This chapter does not discuss configuration of digital communications. To configure digital
communications, see Chapter 13.
3.2 Supported protocols
Table 3-1 describes the digital communications support provided on the Series 3000 device.
HART/Bell 202 is superimposed on the primary mA output, while all RS-485 protocols are
implemented on a dedicated terminal pair.
3.2.1 Obtaining the components
Identify and obtain the required components according to the physical layers and protocols you
will use.
3.2.2 RS-485 signal converter
RS-232 or USB conversion
If you need to convert the RS-485 signal to an RS-232 or USB signal, signal converters are available
from Micro Motion (part number PLKUSB485KIT or PLK485KIT). Contact Micro Motion for
information about ordering these converters.
Table 3-1 Series 3000 terminals, physical layers, and protocols
Terminals Physical layer Protocol
Primary mA output terminals Bell 202 HART
RS-485 terminals RS-485 Modbus