Configuration and Use Manual 169
Operation Mode – Custody Transfer
Operation Mode – Batch Totalizers and InventoriesOperation Mode – Custody TransferOperation Mode
If you select Transfer Totalizer:
• You can view current transfer, inventory, or transfer and inventory values for the current
• If Protocol is set to Printer, a
PRINT button is displayed when the print function is available
(i.e., if Transfer Print Conditions is set to With Flow, or if Transfer Print Conditions is set to
No Flow and there is no flow through the sensor). You can print current transfer, inventory, or
transfer and inventory values for the current transfer. If you print a ticket that contains a
transfer value, under conditions of zero flow, the current custody transfer transaction is
completed and a new one is started (see Section 19.5.3).
• If Protocol is not set to Printer, the
RESET-T button is displayed. This button can be used to
complete the current custody transfer transaction and start a new one (see Section 19.5.3).
To view data for a different transfer:
1. Select
Transfer Log from the View menu.
2. Use the
Select BOL to View option to specify the transfer you want to view. You can view
data for the 20 most recent transfers. Log data for the selected transfer is displayed
Totalizers and inventories
Note: For definitions of process totalizers, process inventories, transfer totalizers, and transfer
inventories, see Section 20.2.
Whether the Series 3000 device is secured or unsecured:
• The process totalizers are not available. They are replaced by the transfer totalizers.
• Process inventories cannot be reset.
The maximum value for transfer totalizers and inventories is
999999999. They are not displayed in
scientific notation. If the maximum value is reached, they roll over to
0 and the character R (rollover
indicator) is added to the data line on transfer screens. The
R may or may not be displayed on the
process monitor or printed on process monitor tickets, depending on approval of the process monitor:
• If the process monitor is approved (see Section 14.5), the
R is displayed on the process
monitor and printed on process monitor tickets.
• If the process monitor is not approved, the
R is not displayed on the process monitor and not
printed on process monitor tickets.
R is cleared automatically from transfer totalizer values when a new custody transfer transaction
is started. The
R is not cleared automatically from transfer inventory values. To clear the R from
transfer inventory values:
1. Select
Transfer Totalizer from the View menu.
2. Select
3. Select the inventory whose display indicator you want to clear.
4. Press the
CLEAR button (see Figure 4-6).
Note: This action clears only the rollover indicator, and does not affect the transfer inventory value.
To clear the R, the Series 3000 device must be unsecured.
Audit trail
The audit trail function (see Section 19.8) is active, whether the Series 3000 device is currently
secured or unsecured.