The Harmonizer
Programmer’s Manual
The Harmonizer
Programmer’s Manual Page 55 of 97 Release 1.2.1
1999 Eventide, Inc.
• DSP input 2 to inputs 1 on both the second mix module and
the second mixer module.
• The output of the second mixer module to DSP output 2.
• The userobject output of “ch2 menu” to userobject input 2 on the
head module (adding a repeating field if necessary).
As a final touch, select Set title,author under the Edit menu and
name this program!
Upload the program to the Harmonizer and flange away. . .
If you wanted to make a quad mono flanger for your Orville, you’d need to add repeating fields to the DSP
inputs and outputs and then copy and paste as we did above. If you wanted to create a stereo (as opposed
to dual) flanger, you’d need to use two sets of audio processing modules
(like we already have) but only one set of
“control adjusters” connected to both sets of audio processors
(you’d probably only want to use one LFO module as well).
You’ll find that our creation of a two channel flanger could have been facilitated somewhat by using
“Supermodule” functions. You’ll read about Supermodules on page 57.