The Harmonizer
Programmer’s Manual
The Harmonizer
Programmer’s Manual Page 68 of 97 Release 1.2.1
1999 Eventide, Inc.
When the PARAMETER key is pressed and held, the Harmonizer
presents a Patch Editor area display of the current program along
with a selection of
SOFT KEYS. This is the default Patch Editor
area screen. Unlike the other areas in the Harmonizer, the top line
of the screen is used for “special purposes."
The left half of the top line is used as a question field when the
<connect> or <unplug> SOFT KEY is used.
The right half of the top line shows the name of the currently
selected module (except during
<connect> or <unplug>
operations when it shows the currently selected input or output).
A block diagram of the program takes up most of the display. As
mentioned before, a program consists of a series of modules. Each
module is shown on the display as a block with lines indicating its
inputs and outputs. Inputs are on the left side of a module while
outputs are on the right side. Each module is shown with a three-
character (or less) abbreviation of its function name.
→ See the Modules Section for a list of all modules.
The example screen to the right shows four modules and is shown
in the default “audio only” mode. This means that the only
modules and signals shown are audio paths and modules that work
with audio. The modules shown in the example are:
IN audio from the DSP’s four inputs (only one is being used)
mix a two-input mixer
mdl “modulateable” delay
OUT audio to the DSP’s four outputs
As shown, the IN module’s
output 1 is connected to one of the inputs of the mixer. The other
input comes from the output of the “modulateable” delay. The mixer feeds the
input of the delay. The delay output may be seen to drive five module inputs: the mixer input
and all four of the OUT module’s