The Harmonizer
Programmer’s Manual
The Harmonizer
Programmer’s Manual Page 56 of 97 Release 1.2.1
1999 Eventide, Inc.
DSP7000 users should move ahead - this is for Orville only.
Control signals can be sent from one DSP to the other in Orville! The
c_bridge module accepts four control signal inputs. Control signal
outputs that are connected to these inputs appear at the other DSP’s “global
control outputs” and at the control outputs of a c_bridge module in the
other DSP. A DSP’s global control outputs are the four blue squares on the
left side of the screen.
For example, load the program Inter-DSP Send from the
Programming” bank into DSP A. A knob module is
connected to the first input of a c_bridge module in as
shown to the right.
Additionally, the knob module’s userobject output is connected
to the head module so that the knob module’s parameter
shows up in the
PARAMETER area as shown to the right.
Now load the program Inter-DSP Receive from the
Programming” bank into DSP B. A monitor module is
connected to global control output 1.
Additionally, the monitor module’s userobject output is
connected to the head module so that it shows up in the
PARAMETER area as shown to the right.
You can see for yourself that changing the Send Value in DSP A alters the Receive value in DSP B. Of
course, you could add a c_bridge module in DSP B to send control signals to DSP A at the same time that
DSP A is sending control signals to DSP B! This function can be used to write huge programs that span both