The Harmonizer
Programmer’s Manual
The Harmonizer
Programmer’s Manual Page 73 of 97 Release 1.2.1
1999 Eventide, Inc.
As this is an audio output, the screen mode will automatically
change to
aud only mode. Because you have selected an output,
the screen will now prompt you for an input to connect to. The
Patch Editor will automatically choose a valid audio input for you
to connect to as shown to the right. Note that the Patch Editor’s choice may not be your choice! Use the
LEFT and RIGHT CURSOR keys and the KNOB to experiment with what exactly can be selected.
Although the <aud only> SOFT KEY is presented, pressing it in
this case will not allow connections to anything that isn't an audio
or mod input. This is because we’ve already selected an audio
output, and you can’t connect an audio output to anything but an
audio or mod input. Feel free to press the
<aud only> SOFT KEY,
and you’ll see what we mean.
After you’ve experimented, set the screen mode back to
, select out1 on the OUT module, and press the SELECT key.
The current program now has a single delay module between
in1 and OUT:out1, a delay module that has an input but
no output, and straight paths between the remaining DSP
“channels." Note that the signal that was previously connected to
out1 has been automatically disconnected. See Notes
You should now be able to connect IN:
in2 to second
in. Then connect second delay:out to OUT:out2.
The screen to the right is what you should end up with. This
“patch” has a delay module in each “channel” of audio.
As an exercise, you could go to
ctrlonly screen mode and bypass the mul module by connecting the knob
knb) to mon-in (as shown to the right). That would make the Delay Amount parameter in the PARAMETER
area show the correct delay value.
Notes on
Although it is possible to connect a single output to multiple inputs, it is not possible to connect two signals
to a single input. If an attempt is made to connect a signal to an input that is already in use, the new signal
will replace the old. To connect multiple audio signals to one input, a mixer or adder module could be
used to combine the audio signals. For control signals, a c_adder module could be used.
Breaking a Connection
<unplug> SOFT KEY removes a single connection between two modules. To break a connection, press
<unplug> SOFT KEY, then use the CURSOR keys and the KNOB to choose which input to disconnect.
<unplug> SOFT KEY will not allow a disconnect to be specified by output because outputs may be
connected to more than one input.