The Harmonizer
Programmer’s Manual
The Harmonizer
Programmer’s Manual Page 58 of 97 Release 1.2.1
1999 Eventide, Inc.
Cool. Now we need to be able to control our
compressor. We need some interface modules. If we
open the VSigfile Specifier Display window of our
ducker module we see that we have the option of up
to five controls. In this case we will connect “parameter
adjusters” to all five. Also found here are the limits of
these control inputs. We’ll need this information along with the “units” involved (e.g. is the attack control
in seconds or milliseconds?) when we set the min and max specifiers in our “parameter adjusters." Refer to
the Modules Section for the units that each control input is cast in.
Add a knob module and connect its control
output to the ducker module’s
control input. Double click on it and change the
specifiers to match those shown to the right.
Notice that we’re not using the full range of the
parameter as settings beyond the ones we’ve
limited it to are quite “unphysical."
Now add four more knob modules. Connect and alter their specifiers
(in the VSigfile Specifier Display) as the table
below indicates:
name menu statement min max resolution default
connected to. . .
cratio Ratio : %3.0f:1 1 100 1 10
cgain Gain : %4.1f dB 0 24 0.1 12
cattack Attack: %6.3f Sec 0 10 0.001 0.003
cdecay Decay: %6.3f Sec 0 10 0.001 0.4000