The Harmonizer
Programmer’s Manual
The Harmonizer
Programmer’s Manual Page 65 of 97 Release 1.2.1
1999 Eventide, Inc.
time by scrolling through groups first. To do the latter, press the
LEFT CURSOR key so that the group
name is highlighted, and then turn the
KNOB until you see the “Dynamic” group.
Press the
RIGHT CURSOR key twice to highlight the ducker
and press the
SELECT key. A ducker will appear in your
program. It's the little box marked
Note that the IN and OUT modules are still connected to each
other, just as they were. Audio is still passing through the DSP
Thru unchanged!
Now we need to make a compressor from the ducker. Press
<connect> SOFT KEY.
The upper left-hand side of the display now asks you what you
want to connect. The upper right-hand side of the display gives
the name of the currently selected output. The center of the
display shows the currently selected output as a highlighted little
line inside the module’s box. You can choose to connect a different output instead by pressing the
LEFT CURSOR key or by turning the KNOB. Right now we want to connect the ducker’s output,
which is the currently selected output. So just press the
Notice that the output we selected is still identified by a little line
inside its module box, but the box itself is not highlighted. The
little line tells us what we're connecting from. The editor is now
asking what input we would like our previously selected output
connected to. The currently selected input is shown as a
highlighted little line inside the OUT module. Rotate the
KNOB (or use the LEFT or RIGHT CURSOR key) to
select the ducker's
sidechain input. As you move the highlighted little line between available inputs,
the upper right-hand side of the display will show the currently selected input and the name of the module it
resides on.