
100 FONIX 7000 Hearing Aid Analyzer
When measuring a set of binaural hearing aids, both the phase and the delay
graphs should match fairly closely.
4.2 Battery Current Test
The Battery screen lets you perform extensive tests on the amount of battery
current that the hearing aid uses. These tests were designed to give you a com
plete picture of the amount of battery current that the hearing aid drains when
exposed to different situations. There are three primary tests:
Static Test: This test estimates the battery life of the hearing aid by pre-
senting the hearing aid with a single static tone.
mA/Freq: This test measures battery current drain as a function of fre-
quency. This shows how the battery current varies as you present the
hearing aid with different frequencies.
mA/Ampl: This test measures battery current drain as a function of
amplitude. This shows how the battery current varies as you present the
hearing aid with different amplitudes.
To run these tests, toggle the test status with [F4], [F5], and [F6], respectively.
Pressing [START] will run the mA/Freq and mA/Ampl tests. The tests will auto
matically stop when finished. The Static test is always on when its status has
been toggled to On.
In order to perform these measurements, you need to insert a battery pill into
the hearing aid, plug the battery pill into the sound chamber, and push the
applicable button in the chamber.
To enter the Battery screen, from the Opening screen, press [F5]—Other Tests.
Then press [F1]—Battery Test. A short list of the functions of this screen can be
displayed by pressing [HELP].
Note: Many hearing aids do not vary when exposed to signals of varying fre
quency and amplitude. For those hearing aids, you will see a flat horizontal line
when running both the mA/Freq and mA/Ampl measurements.