Real-Ear Measurements 167
When performing real-ear measurements on a Body aid, CROS, or Bi-CROS aid,
we suggest the following setups and procedures.
Four Goals:
6.9.1—Measuring the Head Baffle Effect
6.9.2—Measuring the Overcoming of the Head Baffle Effect
6.9.3—Measuring the Overall Insertion Gain
6.9.4—Measuring the Insertion Loss to the “Good” Ear
Each of these measurements uses the insertion gain measurement technique,
taking advantage of the fact that the insertion gain is a difference curve between
two measured curves (usually the unaided and aided response). The techniques
assign the label of “unaided” to one measurement and a label of “aided” to
another measurement.
Take all measurements in the Insertion Gain Screen. For measurements labeled
“Unaided” (even if they aren’t unaided) follow the instructions in Section For measurements labeled “Aided” (even if they aren’t aided) follow the
instructions in Section