
General Operation 33
harmonic distortion measurement should be ignored. Choose ON to apply this
rule. Choose OFF to ignore this rule.
ANSI OPTION: Modifications to the ANSI test sequences. VA-CORFIG adds the
modification requested by the Veterans Administration of the United States.
CIC adds CIC correction factors and is meant to be used with the CIC coupler.
BATTERY MEAS: Status of the battery current measurement. Turn it ON or OFF.
EQUIV NOISE TEST: Status of the equivalent input noise measurement. Turn it
ON or OFF.
TELECOIL: Status of the Telecoil measurement. Turn it ON or OFF.
2.3 Source Types
There are two main types of sources available on the 7000 test system: pure-
tone and composite. Four types of pure-tone sweeps are available: long, normal,
fast, and short. Two types of composite signals are available: Composite and
Digital Speech. The composite signal can have your choice of speech weight
ings, including ANSI and ICRA.
The type of signal you should choose for a particular test or type of hearing aid
depends upon the situation. Here is a description of each of the source types
and when you would want to use them.
2.3.1 Understanding Pure-tone Signals
A pure-tone sweep is a test involving a progression of pure tone signals pre-
sented at a specified level. When the sweep is complete, the aid’s frequency
response at those frequencies is displayed on the graph (or data column).
There are four types of pure-tone signals: long, normal, fast, and short.
• LONG: Contains 64 different frequencies and only does one sweep before
ending the test.
• NORMAL: Contains 43 different frequencies and only does one sweep
before ending the test.
• FAST: Contains 16 different frequencies and continually sweeps through
them until you stop the test. The fast sweep is meant to be used as a
real-time continuous signal convenient for use while adjusting hearing
aids. It is an alternative to the composite signals.
• SHORT: Contains 10 different frequencies and only does one sweep. It is
primarily used for testing loud levels in real-ear measurements.