10 FONIX 7000 Hearing Aid Analyzer
Sound Chamber Spring Damper
Factory-installed.or Assembly Kit.
This spring assembly fits onto the back
of the sound chamber, making it easier
to open the sound chamber lid. Once
the sound chamber is open past a cer
tain point, the user can release the lid
and let the spring open it the rest of the
way. Great when performing repetitive
coupler measurements.
FM Kit
Facilitates coupler and real-ear tests
of FM systems. The kit includes a
telescoping floor stand with a test plat
form and plenty of extra Fun-Tak and
a 6-inch (15 cm) square foam pad for
using the 2-cc coupler outside the test
Sound Chamber Stand
A secure, steel-tube stand that
improves sound isolation and brings
the testing area of the test chamber to
convenient table height. Color matches
the electronics module.